-A warm welcome.
-An opportunity to worship God and draw closer to Him.
-No pressure.
-People who love God and want to follow Jesus according to the Bible.
-Enthusiastic and sincere praise. We sing a cappella (without musical instruments), and everyone is welcome to sing along. If you prefer to listen to the others and praise God quietly in your heart, that is fine, too.
Preaching from the Bible to encourage and uplift. We preach Jesus, 1 Corinthians 1:23.
-Communion every Sunday. This is to remember the Lord's body and blood, according to His command, 1 Corinthians 11:23-26. Committed Christians are encouraged to partake. Others are encouraged to wait until they have put their faith in Christ and made a public confession and repentance, being baptized into Jesus. During communion, a piece of bread and a tray of small cups are passed around. Each person breaks off a little of the bread and drinks from one of the cups.
-Collection every Sunday. Guests should not feel any obligation to participate. No one is invited to church in order to get some of their money. However, all those who want to give to the Lord's work at Chattahoochee Valley are welcome to do so.